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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Catia v5 Video Tutorials (Creating Parts) 2 DVDs Rs 600/-

Creating Parts Course

1-       275 fully illustrated tutorials (Video and Audio Narrations) with more than 12.48 Hours of viewing time.
2-      Shows all possible details, from very beginning to advanced level.
3-      Academic Learning Style. Demonstrating every mouse click along the way, and using class room training methods.
4-      Goes through every subject, and shows every possible practical tips and design aspects.

5-      Courses Covered:
§         Sketcher And Constraints
§         Part Design
§         Wireframe And Surface Design

Following Is a Complete List of The Tutorials (all are presented in Video + Audio Narrations):
1- Sketcher And Constraints
1-1  Introduction

  • 1- General Concept
  • 2-1 Catia Desktop
  • 2-2 Catia Desktop
  • 3- Selection And Entering Values In Catia
  • 4- How To Set The Configuration In Catia
  • 5- Practical Ways To Manipulate The View

1-2  Creating Geometries

  • 1- Creating a Line
  • 2-Creating an Infinite Line
  • 3-Creating a Bi-Tangent Line
  • 4-Creating a Bisecting Line
  • 5-Creating a Line Normal to a Curve
  • 6-Creating an Axis
  • 7-Creating Points
  • 8- Creating Equidistant Points
  • 9- Creating Points Using Intersection
  • 10-Creating a Point Using Projection
  • 11-Creating Associative Projected Points
  • 12- Creating Profiles
  • 13-Creating Circles
  • 14-Creating Three Points Circles
  • 15-Creating Circles Using Coordinates
  • 16-Creating a Tri-Tangent Circle
  • 17-Creating Arcs
  • 18-Creating Three Points Arcs
  • 19-Creating Three Points Arcs Using Limits
  • 20- Creating a Spline
  • 21-Connecting Curves with a Spline
  • 22-Connecting Curves with an Arc
  • 23- Creating Ellipses
  • 24-Creating a Parabola by Focus
  • 25-Creating a Hyperbola by Focus
  • 26-Creating Conic Curves
  • 27- Creating Rectangles
  • 28- Creating Oriented Rectangles
  • 29- Creating Parallelograms
  • 30- Creating Elongated Holes
  • 31-Creating Cylindrical Elongated Holes
  • 32-Creating Keyhole Profiles
  • 33-Creating Hexagons
  • 34-Creating Centred Rectangles
  • 35-Creating Centred Parallelograms 

1-3  Operations

  • 1- Creating Corners
  • 2- Creating Chamfers
  • 3- Trimming Elements
  • 4- Breaking And Trimming
  • 5-Closing Elements And Complementing An Arc, Circle or Ellipse
  • 6-Breaking Elements
  • 7-Creating Mirrored And Moving Elements by Symmetry
  • 8- Translating Elements
  • 9- Rotating Elements
  • 10- Scaling Elements
  • 11 (A) Offsetting 2D Geometry
  • 11 (B) Offsetting Using offset tools
  • 11 (C) Offsetting- Creating Spline Offsets
  • 12 (A) Using 3D Geometry- Projecting 3D Elements onto the Sketch Plane
  • 12 (B) Projecting 3D Silhouette Edges
  • 12 (C) Intersecting 3D Elements with the Sketch Plane
  • 13 (A) Copying, pasting elements with H And V constraints on their absolute axis
  • 13 (B) Copying Sketches
  • 14-Replacing Geometry
  • 15-Editing Parents, Children And Constraints
  • 16- Performing Auto-Search on Profiles
  • 17-Transforming Profiles
  • 18-Deactivating a Sketch

1-4  Constrains

  • 1- Geometrical Constraint
  • 2- Dimensional constraint
  • 3- Creating Constraints Using the Constraints Toolbar
  • 4- Creating Constraints via a Dialog Box
  • 5- Modifying The Constraints
  • 6- Auto-Constraining a Group of Elements
  • 7- Solving Design Problem Using Fix Together
  • 8- Animating Constraints
  • 9- Edit Multi-Constraint
  • 10- Using the Sketch Solving Status
  • 11- Defining Constraint Measure Direction
  • 12- Creating Contact Constraints
  • 13- Modifying Constraints
  • 14- Modifying Constraints Using Shift Key

1-5  Design Aspects

  • 1-1 Sketching from an Existing Part
  • 1-2 Sketching from an Existing Part
  • 1-3 Sketching from an Existing Part
  • 2- Using Sketch Tools
  • 3- Using Visualization Toolbar
  • 4- Using Smart Pick
  • 5- Language Of Colours In Catia
  • 6- Setting the Datum Mode
  • 7-1 Performing A Quick Geometry Diagnosis
  • 7-2 Analyzing the Sketch
  • 8-1 Creating Output Features
  • 8-2 Creating Profile Features
  • 9- Creating Accelerators
  • 10- Restoring the Toolbars Positions
  • 11- About The Standard And Construction Elements
  • 12- Sketch Detection

2- Part Design 

2-1  Creating

1-2-1-1  Sketch Based Features

1- Entering The Part Design Workbench

2 (A) Creating Pads

2 (B) Creating Pads

2 (C) Creating Pads

2 (D) Creating Pads
2 (E) Creating Pads
2 (F) Creating Pads
2 (G) Creating Pads
2 (H) Creating Pads
2 (I) Creating Pads
3- Creating Multi Pads
4- Creating Drafted Filleted pad
5- Creating Pockets
6- Creating Multi Pockets
7-Creating Drafted Filleted Pockets
8- Creating Shafts
9- Creating Grooves
10 (A) Creating Holes
10 (B) Creating Holes
10 (C) Creating Holes
11- Creating Rib
12- Creating Slots
13- Creating Stiffener
14- Creating Multi sections solid
15- Creating Removed Multi-sections
16- Creating Solid Combine

2-1-2  Dress-Up Feature

1 (A) Creating Edge Fillet

1 (B) Creating Edge Fillet

2- Creating Variable Radius Fillet

3- Reshaping The Corner Using Blend Corner

4 (A) Creating Face Fillet

4 (B) Creating Face Fillet using Hold Curve

4 (C) when Creating Face Fillet Is Not Working

5- Creating Tri-tangent Fillet
6- Creating Chamfer
7 (A) Creating Basic Draft
7 (B) Creating Variable Angles Draft
7 (C) Creating Advanced Draft
7 (D) Creating Drafts with Parting elements
7 (E) Creating Drafts From reflect lines
8- Creating Shells
9- Creating Thickness
10- Creating Threads And Taps
11- Creating Remove Face Features
12- Creating Replace Face Features
2-1-3  Surface Based Feature
1- Creating Splits
2- Creating Thick Surfaces
3- Creating Close Surface Features
4- Creating Sew Surfaces
2-1-4  Reference Elements
1 (A) Creating 3D Points
1 (B) Creating 3D Points
1 (C) Creating 3D Points
1 (D) Creating 3D Points
2 (A) Creating 3D Line
2 (B) Creating 3D Line
2 (C) Creating 3D Line
2 (D) Creating 3D Line
3- Creating Planes
2-1-5  Using Surfaces And Curves 
And Solving Cad Problems
1 (A) Joining Surfaces or Curves
1 (B) Joining Surfaces or Curves
2- Extrapolating Surfaces
3- Extracting Geometry
4- Creating Intersections
5- Creating Projection
6- Creating Boundary Curves

2-2  Operations

2-2-1  Boolean Operations

1- Assembling Bodies

2- Intersecting Bodies

3- Adding Bodies

4- Removing Bodies

5- Union Trim Bodies

6- Remove Lump (Keeping and Removing Faces)
7- Changing a Boolean Operation into Another One
2-2-2  Modifying And Manipulation
1- Creating Translations
2- Creating Rotations
3- Symmetry
4- Mirror
5- Creating Rectangular Patterns
6 (A) Creating Circular Patterns
6 (B) Creating Circular Patterns
7- Creating User Patterns
8- Exploding Patterns
9- Creating Scaling
2-3  Constraints
1- Setting 3D Constraints
2- Setting Constraints Defined in Dialog Box
3- Computing Mean Dimensions
4- Modifying Constraints

2-4  Design Aspects 
2-4-1  Design Aspects (First Level)
1- Redefining Feature Parameters
2 (A) Updating Parts
2 (B) Updating Parts
3 (A) Deleting Features
3 (B) Optimizing The Design By Recognizing The Non Useful Elements
4- Deactivating Elements
5 (A) Reordering One Feature
5 (B) Reordering Several Features
6 (A) Replacing or Moving Elements
6 (B) Replacing a Body
7- Changing a Sketch Support
8 (A) Displaying And Editing The part Properties
8 (B) Displaying And Editing Bodies Properties
8 (C) Displaying And Editing Features Properties

2-4-2  Design Aspects (Second Level)

1- Cut Copy Paste

2- Editing a List of Elements

3- Scanning a Part and Defining In Work Objects

4- Performing a Draft Analysis

5- Isolating Geometric Elements

6- Displaying Parents And Children

2-4-3  Design Aspects (Third Level)
1- Opening a New CATPart Document
2- Hybrid Design
3- Defining an Axis System
4- Publishing Elements
5-1 Inserting a New Body
5-2 Inserting Features into a New Body
6-1 Geometrical sets
6-2 Inserting a Geometrical Set
6-3 Moving Elements of a Geometrical Set To New Body
7-1 Inserting an Ordered Geometrical Set
7-2 Modify Children command
7-3 Editing Features Within an Ordered Geometrical Set
8-1 Creating Power Copies
8-2 Instantiating Power Copies
8-3 Instantiating Power Copies Using Step By Step Instantiation
8-4 Instantiating Power Copies Using Part Comparison Instantiation
8-5 Saving Power Copies into a Catalogue

2-4-4  Design Aspects (Fourth Level)

1-How to Improve Update Operations

2-How to Improve Performances when Editing

3-How to Improve Performances when Using the Pre-selection Navigator

4-How to Reduce Data Size when Positioning Pasted Bodies

2-5  Projects

1- Project (Creating Part-1)

2- Project (Creating Part-2)
3- Project (Creating Part-3)
4- Project (Assembling Parts)
5- Project (Golden Rules)

3- WireFrame And Surface Design
3-1  Creating
3-1-1  Creating Wire-frame Geometries
1 (A) Integrating PD And WF, And Utilizing Working On Support
1 (B) The First Step In Preparing Oriented And Flexible Design
2 (A) Creating Multiple Points and planes
2 (B) Creating Planes Between Other Planes
3- Creating an Axis
4- Creating Polylines
5- Creating Circles
6- Creating Splines
7- Creating a Helix
8- Creating Corners
9- Creating Connect Curves
10- Creating Projections

3-1-2  Creating Surface Geometries

1- Creating Extruded Surfaces

2- Creating Revolution Surfaces

3- Creating Spherical Surfaces

4- Creating Cylindrical Surfaces

5- Creating Offset Surfaces

6- Creating Filling Surfaces

7- Creating Swept Surfaces

8- Creating Multi-Sections Surfaces
9- Creating Blended Surfaces

3-2  Operations And Manipulations
3-2-1  Performing Operations on 
Shape Geometry
1 (A) Joining Surfaces or Curves
1 (B) Joining Surfaces or Curves And solving The design’s problems
2- Healing Geometry
3- Restoring a Surface
4- Disassembling Elements
5- Splitting Geometry
6- Trimming Geometry
7- Rotating Geometry
8- Translating Geometry
9- Performing Symmetry on Geometry
10- Transforming Geometry by Scaling
11- Transforming Geometry by Affinity
12- Transforming Elements From an Axis to Another
13- Inverting the Orientation of Geometry
14- Creating the Nearest Entity of a Multiple Element
15- Extrapolating Curves

3-2-2  Editing Surface and 

Wireframe Geometries

1- Editing Surface and Wireframe Definitions

2- The Implicit And Explicit Modifications

3- Deleting Surfaces and Wireframe

4 (A) Developing Wires and Points

4 (B) Unfolding a Surface

3-3  Using Tools
1- Quick Selection of Geometry
2- Keeping the Initial Element
3- Checking Connections Between Surfaces
4- Checking Connections Between Curves
5- Analyzing Distances Between Two Sets of Elements
6- Performing a Surface Curvature analysis
7- Performing a Curvature Analysis
Whatever your experience is; with this course, we let CATIA to be your first tool to build any project, whether it is an entry level or state-of-the-art design.

System Requirements:

Operating System: Windows 98, 2000, XP and Vista

Macromedia: Flash Player 8 or Later.

Minimum CPU: Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor
Minimum RAM: 256 MB
Hard Disk: 2 MB of Hard Disk for Program Installation.
             + 5.31 GB for Video Files (Optional).
              DVD Player could be used instead.

DVD Drive : (DVD+R 16X)

Sound Card

Video Card 8 MB


This DVDs are only suitable for a PC/laptop/Mac; it WILL NOT play on a TV 

Payment mode : Pay on my account ,Buying via ebay or Paypal  

Shipping : By Courier through all over India

Shipping charge : Rs 50/- Flat Rate shipping anywhere in India

You can get with in two days

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