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Showing posts with label JAVA tutorials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JAVA tutorials. Show all posts

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Learning Javascript Programming Video Tutorial DVD Rs 300/-

Duration: 9.5 hours  mp4

In this Beginners JavaScript Beginners training course, expert author Craig Buckler teaches you the basics of programming with JavaScript, the worlds most used programming language. The tutorial is designed for the absolute beginner - no prior JavaScript programming experience is required in order to get the most out of this video training.

You will start with learning what programming is, and specifically, what JavaScript is, how it it used, and its limitations. You will discover variables and data types, and how to take input and create output. Craig covers conditions, loops, arrays, sorting, functions, paramaters and debugging. You will even learn advanced concepts such as OOP, string manipulations, regular expressions and other programming patterns. Because JavaScript is so tightly integrated with browsers, you will also learn some HTML5, CSS, DOM (Document Object Model) programming, event handling and how it all works together!

By the conclusion of this JavaScript programming tutorial, you will have an in-depth grasp of the capability of JavaScript, and you will understand how to create and deploy solid JavaScript programs for your website projects. Working files are included to allow you to work alongside the author using the same files that references throughout the training course.


01. Getting Started
02. Browser Scripting Basics
03. JavaScript Essentials
04. Program Flow
05. Functions
06. Arrays
07. Objects
08. Advanced Operators
09. Advanced Development Techniques
10. An Introduction To Browser APIs
11. The Document Object Model
12. Event Handling
13. Form Handling
14. Timers And Animation
15. Ajax
16. HTML5 APIs
17. Persistence And Storage
18. Advanced JavaScript Debugging
19. Further Resources
20. About The Author

93 videos plus working files

video 1503.Using XMLHttpRequest.mp4 31.3 MB
video 0101.What You Will Learn.mp4 28.91 MB
video 1103.Node Navigation.mp4 24.5 MB
video 1601.Audio And Video.mp4 23.42 MB
video 0201.What Is Programming.mp4 21.48 MB
video 1801.Firebug.mp4 21.17 MB
video 1902.Shims, Shivs And Polyfills.mp4 20.58 MB
video 1106.Adding And Cloning Elements.mp4 18.53 MB
video 0105.Web Browsers.mp4 17.93 MB
video 1701.Cookies.mp4 17.73 MB
video 1302.Client-Side Validation.mp4 17.08 MB
video 0803.Regular Expressions.mp4 16.61 MB
video 1603.SVG.mp4 15.81 MB
video 1802.The Webkit Inspector.mp4 15.8 MB
video 1605.File Handling.mp4 15.73 MB
video 1003.The Window Object.mp4 15.44 MB
video 1901.JavaScript Libraries.mp4 14.96 MB
video 0704.Prototypal Inheritance.mp4 14.34 MB
video 0309.Error Handling.mp4 14.28 MB
video 1602.Canvas.mp4 13.71 MB
video 1704.Managing Page History.mp4 13.17 MB
video 0702.Simple Objects And Literals.mp4 12.95 MB
video 0904.Optional Arguments.mp4 12.77 MB
video 1102.Selecting Elements.mp4 12.47 MB
video 1504.Script Insertion Techniques.mp4 12.15 MB
video 1303.Custom Controls.mp4 12.09 MB
video 0103.What Is JavaScript.mp4 11.99 MB
video 1502.Web Services And Data Formats.mp4 11.69 MB
video 0802.String Functions.mp4 11.55 MB
video 1202.Defining Events And Handlers.mp4 11.22 MB
video 0501.What Are Functions.mp4 11.02 MB
video 1401.How Animation Works.mp4 10.64 MB
video 0701.What Is Object Orientated Programming.mp4 10.51 MB
video 0307.Browser Output.mp4 10.4 MB
video 1204.Event Propagation.mp4 10.38 MB
video 1104.Dynamic Styling.mp4 10.14 MB
video 0903.The Module Pattern.mp4 9.8 MB
video 0805.Date And Time Functions.mp4 9.77 MB
video 1702.Local Storage.mp4 9.7 MB
video 0502.Function Arguments And Returns.mp4 9.69 MB
video 0102.What You Need To Know.mp4 9.64 MB
video 1804.IE Developer Tools.mp4 9.08 MB
video 1803.Opera Dragonfly.mp4 8.95 MB
video 1903.Online Resources.mp4 8.9 MB
video 1606.Web Workers.mp4 8.7 MB
video 0604.Array Sorting.mp4 8.67 MB
video 0202.How To Add Scripts To Your Page.mp4 8.61 MB
video 0402.Conditions And Code Blocks.mp4 8.37 MB
video 0603.Other Array Methods.mp4 8.2 MB
video 1001.What Is A Browser API.mp4 8.11 MB
video 0106.JavaScript Development Tools.mp4 8.07 MB
video 0310.Debugging.mp4 7.91 MB
video 1703.Working Offline.mp4 7.85 MB
video 1501.An Introduction To Ajax.mp4 7.8 MB
video 1201.An Introduction To Browser Events.mp4 7.73 MB
video 1402.Timer Functions.mp4 7.69 MB
video 0203.When Does JavaScript Run.mp4 7.54 MB
video 1301.Form Events.mp4 7.45 MB
video 0104.What Is HTML5.mp4 7.32 MB
video 0801.Math Functions.mp4 7.18 MB
video 1604.Geolocation.mp4 6.92 MB
video 0901.Anonymous Self-Executing Functions.mp4 6.69 MB
video 1002.Why Browser Sniffing Stinks.mp4 6.5 MB
video 0602.Adding And Removing Array Items.mp4 6.4 MB
video 1004.The Location Object.mp4 6.16 MB
video 0703.Object Constructors.mp4 6.04 MB
video 0405.While Loops.mp4 5.51 MB
video 1107.Removing Elements.mp4 5.46 MB
video 0404.For Loops.mp4 5.29 MB
video 0804.Bitwise Operators.mp4 5.14 MB
video 0806.Date And Time Arithmetic.mp4 5.03 MB
video 0601.What Are Arrays.mp4 4.64 MB
video 1101.An Introduction To The DOM.mp4 4.48 MB
video 1105.Changing Element Content.mp4 4.4 MB
rar 4.33 MB
video 0303.Boolean Types And Comparison.mp4 4.31 MB
video 1203.The Event Object.mp4 4.29 MB
video 0503.Variable Scope.mp4 4.25 MB
video 0301.Number Types.mp4 4.22 MB
video 0306.Variables.mp4 3.92 MB
video 0204.Accessibility.mp4 3.86 MB
video 1403.HTML5 requestAnimationFrame.mp4 3.64 MB
video 2001.Learn About Me.mp4 3.62 MB
video 0308.Comments.mp4 3.33 MB
video 0302.String Types.mp4 3.29 MB
video 0304.Type Juggling.mp4 3.07 MB
video 0906.Passing Functions.mp4 3.06 MB
video 0905.Recursion.mp4 2.97 MB
video 0902.Closures.mp4 2.95 MB
video 0205.When Not To Use JavaScript.mp4 2.73 MB
video 0605.Array Sorting Solution.mp4 2.63 MB
video 0305.Whats With The Semicolons.mp4 2.23 MB
video 0401.Statements And Keywords.mp4 2.09 MB
video 0403.Switch.mp4

This DVDs are only suitable for a PC/laptop/Mac; it WILL NOT play on a TV 

Payment mode : Pay on my account ,Buying via ebay or Paypal  

Shipping : By Courier through all over India

Shipping charge : Rs 50/- Flat Rate shipping anywhere in India

You can get with in two days

Any Advanced Graphic Design Software Tutorials, IT Software Tutorials, Multimedia  Software Tutorials, All Engineering purpose Software Tutorials & All Software Tutorials Available

For more details

Email :

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Java Advanced Training Video Tutorial DVD Rs 300/-

Introduction 5m 33s
Welcome 39s
Understanding what you should know before watching this course 1m 24s
Using the exercise files 3m 30s
1. Getting Started 9m 15s
Installing Java 7 on Windows 1m 39s
Installing Java 7 on OS X 2m 41s
Installing Eclipse 4.2 Juno 4m 55s

2. Java 7 New Features 15m 49s
An overview of Java 7 new features 3m 12s
Exploring the simplified use of generics 4m 17s
Using underscores in numeric literals 3m 29s
Using strings in switch statements 4m 51s

3. Using Advanced Class Structures 33m 2s
Using static initializers 7m 23s
Using instance field initializers 5m 30s
Using member classes 5m 25s
Using local inner classes 3m 20s
Using anonymous inner classes 3m 8s
Creating and using enumeration classes 8m 16s

4. Using the Reflection API 18m 27s
Using the Class class 4m 42s
Instantiating classes dynamically 8m 19s
Navigating inheritance trees 5m 26s

5. More of the Collections Framework 21m 4s
Managing unordered sets with HashSet 4m 58s
Managing ordered sets with TreeSet 7m 4s
Controlling list order with LinkedList 5m 12s
Peeking and polling with queues 3m 50s

6. Testing and Advanced Exception Handling 21m 45s
Exploring test-driven development with the assert keyword 6m 52s
Using the finally keyword 5m 40s
Using try-with-resources in Java 7 2m 35s
Defining and throwing a custom exception 6m 38s

7. Managing Files and Directories in Java 7 48m 44s
Using the Path class 7m 12s
Managing files and directories 7m 45s
Reading and writing text files 8m 41s
Walking the directory tree 7m 42s
Finding files 7m 45s
Watching a directory for file changes 9m 39s

8. Working with I/O Streams 17m 46s
Reading and writing byte streams 6m 58s
Reading and writing character streams 2m 35s
Using buffered streams 3m 19s
Scanning tokenized text 4m 54s

9. Working with Multi-threading 21m 4s
Extending the Thread class 7m 13s
Implementing the Runnable interface 3m 55s
Interrupting a thread 2m 43s
Synchronizing threads 7m 13s
Conclusion 37s
Where to go from here 37s


This DVDs are only suitable for a PC/laptop/Mac; it WILL NOT play on a TV 


Payment mode : Pay on my account ,Buying via ebay or Paypal  

Shipping : By Courier through all over India

Shipping charge : Rs 50/- Flat Rate shipping anywhere in India

You can get with in two days

Any Advanced Graphic Design Software Tutorials, IT Software Tutorials, Multimedia  Software Tutorials, All Engineering purpose Software Tutorials & All Software Tutorials Available

For more details

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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Android programming and Android Game making video tutorial DVD Rs 300/-

It has 9 Android programming tutorial and 8 Android Game making tutorial video.

Here is the List of the Android Programming part:

Android Programming:

1. Install SDK Eclipse plugin and hello world first program
2. Components and Project Structure
3. User Interface Java versus XML
4. User Interface using drag and drop
5. Navigating with intent
6. Architecture
7. abd.exe and SQlite
8. Storing data in SQlite
9. Imageview, checkbox, radiobutton, radiogroup

Here is the List of the Android Game making  part:

Android Game making 

  1 Java Programming tutorial. Game development.mp4 83 MB
 2 Java Programming tutorial.mp4 75 MB
 3 Java Programming tutorial.mp4 82 MB
 4 Java Programming tutorial.mp4 104 MB
 5 Java Programming tutorial.mp4 93 MB
 6 Java Programming tutorial.mp4 73 MB
 7 Java Programming tutorial.mp4 83 MB
 8 Java Programming tutorial.mp4 80 MB


This DVDs are only suitable for a PC/laptop/Mac; it WILL NOT play on a TV 

Payment mode : Pay on my account ,Buying via ebay or Paypal  

Shipping : By Courier through all over India

Shipping charge : Rs 50/- Flat Rate shipping anywhere in India

You can get with in two days

Any Advanced Graphic Design Software Tutorials, IT Software Tutorials, Multimedia  Software Tutorials, All Engineering purpose Software Tutorials & All Software Tutorials Available

For more details

Email :

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Java essential Training Video Tutorial DVD Rs 300/-

Java essential Training Video Tutorial DVD Rs 200/-

Introduction 10m 8s
Welcome 1m 3s
Is this course for you? 5m 35s
Using the exercise files 3m 30s

1. What Is Java? 31m 24s
The history of Java 5m 19s
Understanding the principles of Java 8m 28s
Java compilation and syntax 8m 54s
Choosing a development environment 8m 43s

2. Installing the Software 19m 5s
Installing Java on Windows 6m 42s
Installing Eclipse on Windows 3m 19s
Exploring Java on Mac OS X Leopard and Snow Leopard 2m 27s
Installing Java on Mac OS X Lion 3m 27s
Installing Eclipse on Mac OS X 3m 10s

3. Getting Started 46m 10s
Creating a Hello World application 11m 7s
Exploring the Eclipse IDE 8m 55s
Compiling and running from the command line 8m 2s
Passing arguments to the application 8m 17s
Using the Java API documentation 4m 5s
Memory management and garbage collection 5m 44s

4. Using Primitive Data Types 58m 57s
Everything is an object 5m 59s
Declaring and initializing variables 9m 15s
Working with numbers 8m 32s
Converting numeric values 6m 40s
Understanding operators 7m 58s
Working with character values 5m 14s
Working with boolean values 5m 13s
Outputting primitive values as strings 5m 33s
Creating a simple calculator application 4m 33s

5. Exploring Syntax and Flow 53m 40s
Writing conditional code 5m 35s
Using the switch statement 8m 50s
Repeating code blocks with loops 7m 35s
Creating reusable code with methods 6m 31s
Declaring methods with arguments 5m 41s
Overloading method names with different signatures 5m 53s
Passing arguments by reference or by value 5m 35s
Creating a more complex calculator application 8m 0s

6. Working with Complex Objects 20m 30s
Using the String class 5m 44s
Building strings with StringBuilder 3m 34s
Parsing string values 3m 19s
Working with date values 7m 53s

7. Exception Handling and Debugging 20m 44s
Understanding compile-time vs. runtime errors 4m 5s
Handling exceptions with try/catch 4m 55s
Throwing exceptions in methods 2m 50s
Using the debugger 8m 54s

8. Using Data Collections 32m 22s
Using simple arrays 4m 47s
Using two-dimensional arrays 6m 17s
Managing resizable arrays with ArrayList 7m 14s
Managing unordered data with HashMap 6m 5s
Looping through collections with iterators 7m 59s

9. Creating Custom Classes 52m 2s
Understanding encapsulation 5m 59s
Creating and instantiating custom classes 8m 8s
Organizing classes with packages 6m 47s
Creating and using instance methods 6m 52s
Storing data in instance variables 6m 56s
Using constructor methods 5m 40s
Managing instance data with getter and setter methods 8m 26s
Using class variables and Enum classes 3m 14s

10. Working with Inheritance and Polymorphism 41m 15s
Understanding inheritance and polymorphism 9m 12s
Extending custom classes 9m 1s
Overriding superclass methods 3m 8s
Casting subclass objects 5m 3s
Understanding interfaces and implementing classes 4m 2s
Creating your own interfaces 4m 14s
Using abstract classes and methods 6m 35s

11. Working with Files 32m 17s
Managing files with the core class library 7m 46s
Managing files with Apache Commons FileUtils 7m 32s
Reading a text file from a networked resource 7m 52s
Parsing an XML file with DOM 9m 7s

12. Preparing an Application for Deployment 17m 39s
Creating your own JAR files 4m 54s
Understanding the classpath 5m 2s
Documenting code with Javadoc 7m 43s
Conclusion 47s
Goodbye 47s

This DVDs are only suitable for a PC/laptop/Mac; it WILL NOT play on a TV 

Payment mode : Pay on my account ,Buying via ebay or Paypal  

Shipping : By Courier through all over India

Shipping charge : Rs 50/- Flat Rate shipping anywhere in India

You can get with in two days

Any Advanced Graphic Design Software Tutorials, IT Software Tutorials, Multimedia  Software Tutorials, All Engineering purpose Software Tutorials & All Software Tutorials Available

For more details

Email :

ASP.NET 4 24-Hour Trainer Video Tutorial DVD Rs 300/-

ASP.NET 4 24-Hour Trainer is an exceptional book-and-video package ideal for everyone from beginners to more advanced developers.

ASP.NET 4 24-Hour Trainer | ISO | 897 MB

Microsoft ASP.NET allows you to build dynamically generated Web pages from database content. Written by a well-known authority on ASP.NET, this book-and-DVD package is an ideal place to start learning about the capabilities of ASP.NET 4. Each lesson covers both the ASP.NET Web Forms Framework and the ASP.NET MVC 2 Framework and is designed to teach you the fundamentals of the topic before progressing to a step-by-step tutorial. An instructional video for each of the 48 tutorials is provided on the DVD that accompanies the book.

Lessons include:

* Anatomy of an HTML Page
* Using Common HTML Tags
* Adding Style to an HTML Page
* State Management in ASP .NET 4
* Configuring Your Web Application
* Web Site Projects vs. Web Application Projects
* ASP.NET Web Forms Web Application
* ASP.NET MVC Web Application
* The Page Life Cycle in Web Forms
* The Request Life Cycle in MVC
* Server Controls in Web Forms
* HTML Helpers in MVC
* Master Pages
* Skins and Themes in Web Forms
* Partial Views in MVC
* Validation Controls in Web Forms
* Validation Helpers in MVC
* Dynamic Data in Web Forms
* Display Templates in MVC
* Dynamic Data Templates in Web Forms
* Using the AJAX Extensions in Web Forms
* Using jQuery for Ajax in Web Forms Authentication

This DVDs are only suitable for a PC/laptop/Mac; it WILL NOT play on a TV 

Payment mode : Pay on my account ,Buying via ebay or Paypal  

Shipping : By Courier through all over India

Shipping charge : Rs 50/- Flat Rate shipping anywhere in India

You can get with in two days

Any Advanced Graphic Design Software Tutorials, IT Software Tutorials, Multimedia  Software Tutorials, All Engineering purpose Software Tutorials & All Software Tutorials Available

For more details

Email :

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Complete Web Programmer PHP and Javascript Course Tutorial Video 3 DVDs Rs 500/-

The Complete Web Programmer PHP and Javascript Course Tutorial Video 3 DVDs Rs 500/-

The Complete Web Programmer PHP and Javascript Course Tutorial Video 3 DVDs Rs 500/-
Do you want to become a professional web programmer?

The Complete Programmer package is designed to guide you along to the way, step-by-step, towards becoming a professional web programmer.
Video Package Highlights:

Fourteen modules/courses compiled to teach you everything you need to know to become a commercial web designer.Hands-on practical training that simplifies and targets the key techniques needed to build modern web applications.Training from experienced web designers who KNOW what is required in the real world of web programming.

Total of 33 hours of training spanning Nearly 190 video lessons.

The video courses found in The Complete Web Programmer ... along with many sample videos, can be found on the individual video course pages:
Killer PHP BasicMySQL BasicsAdvanced PHPPHP Shopping CartBeginners javascript

Course Modules:


PHP Basic - 274min

PHP Misc. - 141min

PHP and MySQL Basics - 105min

PHP CRUD Pagenation - 90min

PHP Login - 190min

PHP Tag Cloud - 50min

PHP Shopping Cart - 146min

PHP OOP discussion - 48min

PHP Login Using OOP & MVC - 88min

PHP and javascript Form Validation - 60min

Advanced PHP - 209min

Advanced MYSQL - 147min

Beginners javascript - 301minJQuery - 118min

Bonus videos:

- Use PHP, jQuery & AJAX to Load XML Data (part 1 2)- Debugging PHP


This DVDs are only suitable for a PC/laptop/Mac; it WILL NOT play on a TV 

Payment mode : Pay on my account ,Buying via ebay or Paypal  

Shipping : By Courier through all over India

Shipping charge : Rs 50/- Flat Rate shipping anywhere in India

You can get with in two days

Any Advanced Graphic Design Software Tutorials, IT Software Tutorials, Multimedia  Software Tutorials, All Engineering purpose Software Tutorials & All Software Tutorials Available

For more details

Email :